Saturday, January 8, 2011

Detox Week

I started my 7 day detox on Tuesday. So far so good. Things are "moving" so to speak. I'm comfortable though and not having any issues like really loose stools. Work was a little tough because everyone in my office ordered out almost every day - I did good though and just thought of my skin and was able to eat what I brought. I made a large batch of veggie soup at the beginning of the week so I had it on hand in case of hunger. I've had some raisins and almonds as well as fruit for snacks. I've been drinking lots of hot tea - I love the stuff. I've been making a large smoothie to drink in the morning and on the ride in to work. I have refused to bring them in to work because they look horrible - depending on what I put in there it's either dark green or poop colored. People would be really grossed out if they didn't understand. I'm really getting to like them and find it's much easier than actually cooking breakfast. The hard part for me is making dinner for everyone else in my family and then eating something else myself.

I've been searching and doing a lot of research on diets people have results with for psoriosis. I have the book by Dr. Pagano called " Healing Psoriosis the natural alternative". I also have one called "Your healing diet" by Deirdre Earls. I've also been studying the diet from "how to beat" All recommend the usual: Drink lots of water, get plenty of rest at night, exercise, etc. Dr. Pagano's book and both show the importance of having regular bowel movements. As far as diets go ... is the most restrictive, followed by Dr. Pagano's book and then Deirdre Earls book.

Here's my summary....
Eat more Alkaline forming foods and less acidic (80%/20%)
Drink at least 8 glasses of water or herbal tea daily
Make sure you're going to the bathroom daily
Get in your fiber - flax seed is a great way to add extra
Stay away from the nightshade veggies (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers)
- black pepper is fine and sweet potatoes are fine
- Nightshades contain solanine which contributes to inflammation.
Avoid shell fish - they are bottom feeders (Eat freely swimming fish instead)
Limit or cut out beef and pork. Beef is very hard on your liver.
For gluten and dairy you'll need to do an elimination diet to see if they affect you.
- Gluten intolerance if very high among psoriosis sufferers
Watch out for citrus fruits and berries (strawberry, black berry, etc)
- Blueberries seem to be ok per 2 of these sources.
Fresh squeezed lemon juice is great to add to water, tea or smoothies.
Nuts - one source says all nuts are bad, one says nothing about them and one suggest they're all good except peanuts. I for one itch with peanuts but have no issues with almonds or sunflower seeds.

My conclusion: I'm going to due my best to follow these suggestions until my psoriosis is pretty much clear. Then I will try adding in the nightshades and watch for any reaction, etc. I for one never ate very many nightshades - so I don't think they caused much of my problems - but they can contribute to inflammation. I spoke w/ my nuetritionist about them and she felt if I ate them I should just take extra omega 3 (anti-imflamatory) to combat it some. She didn't feel veggies of any kind are a problem - fruits either. She did warn me beef is very hard on your liver though and we determined peanuts normally have a mold that grows on them - which is probably why I itched so bad after eating them.

I have noticed since starting to detox things have gotten worse - yes worse. That's normal though. The redness is incredible right now - but the thickness of the scales is almost gone. The skin is very uncomfortable and sore also. I'm taking things a day at a time. I know it can take a long time for your body to heal naturally - but I feel it's worth it.

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