Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hydrotherapy Colon Cleanse

I went for my first session of Colonics yesterday. (I explained the procedure earlier in a post.) First we sat down and discussed my issues and diet choices. I had filled out a health sheet ahead of time. She said based on my answers she could tell I was dehydrated. I thought I was getting enough liquid - but I was wrong. She also let me know coffee and black tea are dehydrating, so I'm glad I recently gave those up. I'm supposed to aim for a gallon total of all drinks (tea/water, etc).

We discussed that I should be eating 80% fruits/veggies. I'm working on this one :-) She also gave suggestions on where to find natural, organic foods, vinegar, oils, etc. She highly suggested coconut oil as well as organic apple cider vinegar.

The colonic session was not bad at all. She inserts a tube that has two separate tubes attached to it (one larger than the other for waste. The water they use is really warm, you almost don't feel it - just a little pressure during the 6 second fills. She fills for 6 seconds then waits to see what the pressure is. If the valve shows little pressure she adds more water, etc. When the pressure indicates she switches the valve over to release waste. The waste passes through this clear glass tube in the machine for viewing. She can see if you have a lot of mucus or yeast or if it's really dry, etc. I found not a lot came out during the 45 min. session - this is ok because after you go into the restroom and TONS comes out. (More than I thought would be in there :-)

She said some feel relaxed or energetic after - I found I felt drained and really tired. I went home cooked supper and fell asleep at 7:30. I later read the "take home notes" and discovered some do feel sick, weak and tired. These people fall into the 5% category though and are the real sick toxic people with chronic fatique, dehydration, candida issues (yeast), imbalance in good/bad flora, chemical sensitivities, etc. I pretty much knew I was in the really toxic zone anyhow based on my health issues. I have an appt. next week for another session.

My homework for the week : Green smoothies! My first thought is Ugh! But I am willing to try anything right now. Basically you take a blender and add whatever you have on hand : romaine lettuce/spinach/kale/parsley/banana/apple/fruits, etc. You mix with water and drink it. Today I mixed romaine with spinach and 1/2 a banana. My husband thinks I'm nuts. My daughter actually took a sip and my grandmother who eats anything turned up her nose and walked away. I managed to get almost all of it down. Tomm I'm going to try to add ice. I think it'll be better cold than luke-warm. She said I could add stevia, raw honey or agave nectar for sweetness if I need to. It might come to that :-)

In summary for me: drink more water and tea (herbal/green), eat more veggies, meat is hard on the liver to digest so lean towards chicken/fish, drink green smoothies, probiotics are a must! Keep up with the omega 3/6 fish oils and B complex and Vit D (D3), Antioxidents (I take opc-3 w/ pycnogenol already). Stay away from milk because it's very mucus forming. Stay away from gluten/white flour as much as possible.

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