As you know when I went for my colon cleanse they let me know I was dehydrated. I've been trying so hard to drink 8 glasses of water a day plus tea and my smoothies. I realized it's actually harder than I thought it would be. I'm getting up every single night to pea because of all the water - but I know my body needs it.
The smoothies are getting better. Today's was romaine lettuce/spinach/parsley/1/2 frozen banana/1/2 cup frozen strawberries and 1/2 tblsp flax seed meal. Not to bad. The Frozen things help a ton! I've found I don't miss the coffee or soda at all!
The other tough thing with the liquids is you should not be drinking with your meals. Apparently it dilutes your stomach acid making your body have an even harder time digesting foods. Any if you have any digestive challenges this is a big issue. You should wait at least 20min to 1/2 hour after a meal to have a drink. I was told you shouldn't drink with your meals awhile back by a lady who had gastric bypass surgery but didn't understand the reasons - now it makes since. I just don't think the rest of the world has caught on because when you go out to eat the first thing they do it bring you a drink and then after ask if you want coffee.
My neutritionist wants me to start trying raw foods and fermented foods. They apparently are really good for you. We need the living enzymes! I went to the natural health food store yesterday and got some raw milk cheese to try. It's in a block just like normal sharp cheese. I ate some with a few nut thins (by blue diamond nuts). It was a little more sharp the the regular stuff I had been buying - but not bad at all. She told me it melts really well also for recipes. I also bought braggs raw apple cider vinegar to try. I want to experiment with homemade salad dressing recipes. If you have a homemade recipe feel free to comment and I'll give it a try. I also bought fermented pickles (be real pickles company). It was either fermented pickles/red cabbage or sour-kraught. I went with the pickles. I haven't tried them yet thought.
I'm told I also need to get in some exercise. When you sweat you are flushing toxins out through your pores. I need to eliminate all the toxins I can. I was going to go to the gym yesterday with a friend but it started snowing and I didn't want to go out in it. So today we've planned a gym afternoon date. I will try to sweat more than usual instead of just walking for a bit on the treadmill and then switching to other weight machines.
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